Wednesday, July 9, 2008

PCB fear Champs Trophy blow

Nasim Ashraf
The PCB fear they could lose the right to stage the Champions Trophy following recent bombings in Karachi and Islamabad.

The tournament is scheduled to be held in the nation from September 11, but several players from Australia and New Zealand have revealed plans to boycott the tournament because of security concerns.

PCB chairman Nasim Ashraf appears confident the event will pass without incident, telling The Dawn: "If terrorists think they can target cricket or stadiums in the country, they are wrong."

However, an unnamed official told The News the PCB believe the tournament could be shifted and are mentally gearing up to "swallow the bitter pill".

He said: "It would be a huge setback for Pakistan cricket and I'm sure the ICC is aware of it.

"We didn't leave a stone unturned.

"We promised foolproof security, involved the government at the highest level, used diplomacy, upgraded our facilities.

"But if they still take away the Champions Trophy from here then it would be very unfair."

Sri Lanka are possible alternative hosts for the tournament, but South Africa too would be prepared to hold the event.

"If requested by the ICC, and we agree on the terms and conditions of hosting the tournament, we will," Gerald Majola, the chief executive of Cricket South Africa, told the Sydney Morning Herald.

"ICC host agreements are very onerous, so you don't want to accept certain terms if you don't have time to do everything they ask for. We have to sit down with them and go through everything, and negotiate new terms," he added.

The ICC are expected to make a decision after they receive an independent security report next week.

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